Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Studio

I have been living in my apartment for a year and a half, and just when I was beginning to feel antsy...the feeling like I should be on the move again, I thought "I must be out of my mind!" I am in love with my home. 
I have moved a grand total of 10 times in 14 years. I have lived with 13 people, including 9 women and 3 children. I finally have a life partner and we have a room together and my son has his own room. I am friends with the people that own the home AND they live upstairs AND they are really nice people! I am in freakin' paradise. Now you see why I thought I was out of my mind for thinking for a second that I should move. 
Since moving in, my mission has been to make this apartment a nest for the three of us. We painted and decorated and crafted beauty into our home. My mom gave us a boost by buying our living room set (try not to be jealous). I totally revamped my room twice and my son's at least three times. It is really getting to the point where I wouldn't want to be
 anywhere but home, because it is so, so nice. I'll give you some highlights in the days to come. 
What this entry is about is my studio space. I brought a 10 foot table upstairs from the basement (apparently it came with the house) and put it in one half of my bedroom. My bedroom was the living room of the house. Our apartment is on the main floor. I set up  my 2 sewing machines, a serger and knitting machine. I bought boxes, labelled them and filled them with fabric, felt, glue, markers, paints, buttons, ribbon, sewing notions, embroidery yarn and other odd assortments. I brought the two big book cases in and lined one wall with them and added my craft encyclopedias, knitting patterns, magazines, and crochet books. A full-fledged in-home studio was born. I am in heaven. There's no place like home. 
See more of my pics on flkr 

1 comment:

  1. Ladeebee - please be back in touch with Wise Daughters



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